Land Down Under

This week I was working on putting my dream board together. It took me only a couple minutes to complete it. I got the pictures from Google. I put all of my dreams on a word document and then I printed it and put it in the picture frame. It looks really good and I’m pretty happy with the project I made. I was also thinking about my goal about traveling to Australia. I always wanted to go there because I’m a super curious person and if I’m fascinated by a place, I always want to travel there. I’ve been to Europe and Africa but I’ve never been anywhere really far away from home. Australia sounds like a very cool place to go to. I like animals and I’ve always wanted to see a kangaroo. This is a cool dream to accomplish but the biggest issue is the price. The price of the flight will between 2,000-2,500 dollars. It’s quite a bit but I’d be able to save up. All I need to do is save up and stop spending money on things that aren’t important. Saving money is an issue for me but I really need to save up to for this trip. Now I have a job and I’m getting a lot more money so I need to restrict myself from buying food, clothes, etc. for half a year. If I do so, I’ll for sure be able to go to Australia. I’ll use my dream board to help prevent spending money and start saving up.

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